Huh, tak rajin lah aku nak menaip ari ni. Dah lama tak jadi penulis. Kalo dulu-dulu, laju aje otak aku ni berfikir. Semenjak usia nak menginjak ke 3 series but still available ni ( cewah, macam nak wat promosi yang aku masih single lagi lak aih... bhahaxxx). Nope la, aku takmo pikir pasal bab-bab jodoh ni. Tunggu je la, kalo ada, ada ar. Kalo Dia plan lambat lagi status CIK aku ni nak bertukar, it's ok lah.. Being single is not a crime......!!! ( Opps, letak tanda seru macam nak maki orang lak.. Xde la readerz and viewerz.. I just nak menunjukkan ketegasan dalam bentuk poyos.. ^_^Y )
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Stocktake deerrrr...
Friday, October 26, 2012
Raye Haji 2012
Friday, October 19, 2012
Hati berbisik
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Sayonara Boss
A lil bit sad coz today is the last day for my favorite boss. He already resigned from this %^&& company.. !! Owh, I feel hurt. Well, below are the last conversation between us:
Me [9:52 AM]:
boss.. is it true? I lost the bet.
Boss [10:02 AM]:
yes it's true
it's ok
no need to fulfill
it was a swift decision
Me [10:03 AM]:
well.. i kinda feel sad laaa
wat's dat?
Boss [10:03 AM]:
means fast decision
yeah me too
Me [10:03 AM]:
boss.. did the top mgt pushing u too much?
Boss [10:04 AM]:
let's just say I know most of
Me [10:14 AM]:
sad sad sad
Boss [10:16 AM]:
i am sorry i failed all of u
Me [10:17 AM]:
where will u go after this boss?
already got the offer?
Boss [10:17 AM]:
i have not decided yet
ada la
but wan to rest for a while first
am really tired
Me [10:19 AM]:
a person like u wouldn't have so much trouble to get new job within short period..
well, boss tke this opportunity to rest n b energetic
Boss [10:20 AM]:
insyah allah !
here I have too much negative energy from top
to be creative
I dun like it
Me [10:20 AM]:
hahah.. for this time being i'll think that u on long leave vacation... i wont think that u are resigning..heheh
Boss [10:20 AM]:
I still know & believe in myself
I heard that before
Thursday, July 5, 2012
BI aku hampeh?
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Aku tak pandai lukis =_=
Orang cakap kite sebagai manusia dikurniakan pelbagai kelebihan. Anda yang dapat anugerah suara sedap, main alat muzik, melukis, kira-kira etc. Aku plak? Tah lah, tak pasti plak aku terror bahgian ape, sebab aku ni jenis amik ability portion sikit. Menyanyi suara aku takde la sedap sangat, tapi kalo orang dengar belum lah sampai tahap Giant dalam citer Doraemon tuh. Aku boleh menari tapi takdelah sampai boleh masuk ”so u think u can dance”.
Dipendekkan citer, masa aku pernah pergi interview untuk position graphic designer beberapa tahun dahulu, ade kakak penemuduga aku tu suruh guna idea kreatif pasal bulatan. Apa yang aku boleh hasilkan dengan bulatan tu. Agaknya dia nak test aku punye kreativiti kot.
Manticore ( sejenis makhluk berkepala orang berbadan singa, ekornya kala jengking)
Semalam semasa aku berkemas kat rumah baru, tak sangka ex aku, “Mr. Budget Bagus” had requested me a favor. Macam nilah bunyi text sms nya pada aku,
“Dear, if u got this message please on9 or call me. I need your help”
Oh ya, lupa nak intro. Sungguhpun kitorang dah broke off. Tapi panggilan kebiasaan tu masih lagi kekal. Pelik kan? Ala, panggilan je. It’s a common nowadays. Tak perlu nak tacing sangat. =_=
So, aku pun online tanya apo kobondo nyo eh. So, pom pam pom pam. Pendek citer, dia mitak aku tolong dia dapatkan informasi kat sebuah IPTA macam mana nak sambung LLB ( menatang jadah apa tah ni, aku pun tak sure). Alasan nape dia tak wat sendirik? Dia jawab à I tak leh call sendiri coz I busy kerja. =_= ( Abeh, aku ni nganggur la? Tak kerja macam dia? Jadi mistress hermanas? Puiii ... )
Dia mitak email address and bagi attachment result dia kat aku. Cehhh, takde lah gempak sangat result dia. Aku bajet dia ni DL every semester. Sebab dengar dari kompang dia macam setiap semester dapat Dean List. Tapi bila tengok.. Ok la ( hai hao , bahasa mandarin cakap) boleh lah wat tayang kat stok aweks. =_=
Memang mempergunakan aku sungguh. Takpe, ko gunakan aku, aku gunakan ko balik. Masa dia call tu aku cakap la.
’Dear, what will I get if I doing this favor for u?” Miahaahahah , aku bertanduk dalam hati sambil lampu bernas menyala.
“Ok, I blanje makan”
“Disagree…” =_=
“I wanna watch a movie. I want a chocolate. I want an ice-cream. Deal?” !($_$)!
“Ok, then”
Amek kaw, ape ingat free ke guna perkhidmatan masyarakat aku ni. So, hari ni dengan separa malas, tapi sebab dah deal aku pun call lah IPTA XYZ ni. Macam biasa lah trademark setiap kali call, line aku di pass ke
“ Maaf ye, Cik Pe’ah dah keluar. But I’m not sure when she’s available. Perhaps after lunch hour, she might be here. You call after lunch hour lah ye” ~_~
Aku rasa si Maarop ex aku ni dah rasa kot nak jadi macam ni sebab tu dia pass bola tu kat aku. Ketuiiii, =_=
I’m treating him as an option coz he’s also doing the same. Nak marah or revenge for every brokenhearted yang pernah dorang buat kat aku? Actually aku takde masa nak buat macam tuh coz aku busy menghargai orang yang appreciate aku. If they suddenly appear once in a blue moon dalam hidup aku, layan je la.. There’s nothing to lose but to tackle back my heart, required a lot of effort. ^_^
The most important things are I want to optimize my happiness as much as I can. Yang penting kita happy. Orang kata makin banyak “taik” yang orang bagi kat kita, ”reward” pun sama tinggilah nilainya. Untung-untung aku dapat reward kete freeeee.. sape tau rezki nak datang bergolek.. Hahaah Amin.. (^_^)Y
Monday, June 25, 2012
Hari Isnin hari yang memang tak ramai yang akan jatuh cinta. Sebab lambat lagi nak bertemu dengan hari Ahad. Hari ni aku datang dengan emosi yang tak berapa menarik. Sebab semalam aku tidur lambat. Aku buat aktiviti maraton korea drama. Pelakonnya ialah vocalist band CN BLUE ( aku lupa laks nama dia) dengan Park Shin Hye ( yang dalam drama You’re Beatiful tu). Layan sambil on9 YM. Tapi best gak sebab ada Shinobi rajin nak bertegur dengan aku. Lately ni aku selalu chat dengan Shinobi sebab dia suka panggil aku Hime- Sama. Hahahah tacing kejap. Tapi takde apa-apa je la. Aku selesa chat sengan Shinobi sebab banyak bagi “falsampah ternyata benar”. Beliau banyak membantu aku dalam memberikan pandangan bernas, logik dan amsuk akal.
Then after that, “Mr Adorable In A Unique Way” had called me. Borak-borak dengan beliau, ternyata dia stress sebab kerja bertimbun. Dan aku seperti biasalah menjalankan tugas pari-pari menceriakan hidup beliau. Banyak yang kami bualkan, half an hour kot dia called aku. Sambil gelak-gelak, aku intai juga kot-kot Shinobi reply YM ke tak. Hohoho….
My corner partner is in heartbroken today. Well, good la I already told him, “expected the unexpected”. And it’s happened. Hopefully he’s being strong. Well, me and him got similarities in relationship matter. Both of us didn’t expect that the person we liked so much will do this kind of thing. And now, everyday if got time we’ll comfort each other how to be happy and start new story. Good luck my corner partner to find soul destiny: (^_^)Y
Sunday, June 24, 2012
MLTR kat Setia Alam??
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Aku delete dah..

Aku panas baran?
MY dreamz
Bior le orang kate impian aku macam budak-budak kecik. Takpe, dah memang aku ni suka mende-mende macam ni. Kat bawah ni adalah senarai2 impian dan harapan aku. Semoga suksess dengan jayanya( Amin ya rabbil alamin)
i, nak hasilkan kerak besar macam mane. Untuk menjadikan saiz periuk aku berkadaran dengan saiz kerak nasi yang bakal aku dapat nanti, aku mestilah mendapatkan satu kerjaya yang superb stabil. Itu nanti aku analisis secara rawak, pukal, logik and logaritma yang jitu, baru aku akan come out dengan hipotesis dan resultnya sekali.
akap, pakai motor mahal2 pun tuduh bawah jambatan juga? Sekali lagi hello, sekurang-kurang duk bawa jambatan pun motorbike yang sedang landing bersama dengan aku tuh superb. Dah itu sejak dari zaman skolah tadika lagi aku dah jatuh cinta dengan superbike. Tinggal sebab badjet takde je nak sambar satu. Kalau tak konpom aku Vrooom vroomm kat mana-mana. Kih kih kih
Lepas tuh aku nak beli set tv LCD dengan Xbox 360 playstation. Perhh, duk umah tak yah kuar, hadap je mende tu. Ini dikatakan kehidupan orang single yang tak hadap sangat cari cari pasangan. Bukan tak nak usaha tapi fikir, daripada pening cari, if it meant to be akan muncul juga datang dari celah-celah mana. So, lebih baik aku penuhi impian aku sendiri. Fuuh, ade lagi mende apa yang aku rasa nak beli. Barang kelengkapan rumah. Aku suka masak mende pelik-pelik. Yang tak pernah aku makan memang aku suka masak. Benda yang susah nak buat ke, itu memang aku suka buat. Tapi kalau ada rezeki aku nak beli alat kelengkapan bakeri and pastri for homemade. Pastuh nak beli oven, microwave yang multifunction supaya senang aku prepare masakan pelik-pelik aku. Macam sekarang asik tersenut je nak merealisasikan idea dan inspirasi aku tu..
Kaler kaler hatiku
Colors, like features, follow the changes of the emotions. - Pablo Picasso
(Just paste from some source that already forgotten. Ekceli, i just nak test my new post design)
Do you feel anxious in a yellow room? Does the color blue make you feel calm and relaxed? Artists and interior designers have long understood how color can dramatically affect moods, feelings and emotions. It is a powerful communication tool and can be used to signal action, influence mood and cause physiological reactions. Certain colors can raise blood pressure, increase metabolism or cause eyestrain.
Of course, your feelings about color can also be deeply personal and are often rooted in your own experience or culture. For example, while the color white is used in many Western countries to represent purity and innocence, it is seen as a symbol of mourning in many Eastern countries.
Why is color such a powerful force in our lives? What effects can it have on our bodies and minds? Continue listening to further explore the history of color including how it's used, the effects it may have and some of the most recent research on color psychology.
What Is Color?
In 1666, English scientist Sir Isaac Newton discovered that when pure white light passes through a prism, it separates into all of the visible colors.
Further experiments demonstrated that light could be combined to form other colors. For example, red light mixed with yellow light creates an orange color. Some colors, such as yellow and purple, cancel each other out when mixed and result in a white light.
If you have ever painted, you have probably noticed how certain colors can be mixed to create other colors. Marion Boddy-Evans,'s Guide to Painting, has an excellent overview of color theory basics including how different colors can be mixed.
Color Psychology - The Psychological Effects of Color
While perceptions of color are somewhat subjective, there are some color effects that have universal meaning. Colors in the red area of the color spectrum are known as warm colors and include red, orange and yellow. These warm colors evoke emotions ranging from feelings of warmth and comfort to feelings of anger and hostility.
Colors on the blue side of the spectrum are known as cool colors and include blue, purple and green. These colors are often described as calm, but can also call to mind feelings of sadness or indifference.
Color Psychology as Therapy
Several ancient cultures, including the Egyptians and Chinese, practiced chromotherapy, or using colors to heal. Chromotherapy is sometimes referred to as light therapy or colourology and is still used today as a holistic or alternative treatment.
In this treatment:
· Red was used to stimulate the body and mind and to increase circulation.
· Yellow was thought to stimulate the nerves and purify the body.
· Blue was believed to soothe illnesses and treat pain.
· Indigo shades were thought to alleviate skin problems.
Most psychologists view color therapy with skepticism and point out that the supposed effects of color have been exaggerated. Colors also have different meanings in different cultures. Research has demonstrated in many cases that the mood-altering effects of color may only be temporary. A blue room may initially cause feelings of calm, but the effect dissipates after a short period of time.
Studies have also shown that certain colors can have an impact on performance. Exposing students to the color red prior to an exam has been shown to have a negative impact on test performance. More recently, researchers discovered that the color red causes people to react with greater speed and force, something that might prove useful during athletic activities
Psychology of Color: Black
Black is the color of authority and power, stability and strength. It is also the color associated with intelligence (doctorate in black robe; black horn rimmed glasses, etc.) Black clothes make people appear thinner. It's a somber color sometimes associated with evil (the cowboy in the black hat was almost always the "bad guy"). In the western hemisphere black is associated with grieving. Black is a serious color that evokes strong emotions; it is easy to overwhelm people with too much black.
Psychology of Color: White
For most of the world this is the color associated with purity (wedding dresses); cleanliness (doctors in white coats) and the safety of bright light (things go bump in the night ... not the bright sunshine!). It is also used to project the absence of color, or neutrality. In some eastern parts of the world, white is associated with mourning. White associated with creativity (white boards, blank slates). It is a compression of all the colors in the color spectrum.
Psychology of Color: Gray
Gray is most associated with the practical, timeless, middle-of-the-road, solid things in life. Too much gray leads to feeling mostly nothing; but a bit of gray will add that rock solid feeling to your product. Some shades of gray are associated with old age, death, taxes, depression or a lost sense of direction. Silver is an off-shoot of gray and often associated with giving a helping hand, strong character (sterling in-fact!).
Psychology of Color: Red
If you want to draw attention, use red. It is often where the eye looks first. Red is the color of energy. It's associated with movement and excitement. People surrounded by red find their heart beating a little faster and often report feeling a bit out of breath. It's absolute the wrong color for a baby's room but perfect to get people excited. Wearing red clothes will make you appear a bit heavier and certainly more noticeable. (Some studies show red cars get more tickets but that maybe because the red car owners drive faster or the ticket giver notices the movement of the red car more prominently). Red is not a good color to over use but using a spot of red in just the right place is smart in some cases (one red accent in a otherwise neutral room draws the eye; a red tie with a navy blue suit and white shirts adds just the right amount of energy to draw the eye (no wonder it's the "uniform of the day" at the seats of government). Red is the symbol of life (red blooded life!) and, for this reason, it's the color worn by brides in
Psychology of Color: Blue
Ask people their favorite color and a clear majority will say blue. Much of the world is blue (skies, seas). Seeing the color blue actually causes the body to produce chemicals that are calming; but that isn't true of all shades of blue. Some shades (or too much blue) can send a cold and uncaring message. Many bedrooms are blue because it's calm, restful color. Over the ages blue has become associated with steadfastness, dependability, wisdom and loyalty (note how many uniforms are blue). People tend to be more productive in a blue room because they are calm and focused on the task at hand. Some studies are showing that weight lifters can lift more weight in a blue gym - in fact, nearly all sports are enhanced in blue surroundings.
Psychology of Color: Green
The color of growth, nature, and money. A calming color also that's very pleasing to the senses. Dark forest green is associated with terms like conservative, masculine and wealth. Hospitals use light green rooms because they too are found to be calming to patients. It is also the color associated with envy, good luck, generosity and fertility. It is the traditional color of peace, harmony, comfortable nurturing, support and well paced energy.
Psychology of Color: Yellow
Cheerful yellow the color of the sun, associated with laughter, happiness and good times. A person surrounded by yellow feels optimistic because the brain actually releases more seratonin (feel good chemical in the brain) when around this color. It is the color associated with optimism but be careful with yellow, when intense, it is the color of flames and studies show babies cry more in (bright) yellow rooms and tempers flare more around that color too. It has the power to speed up our metabolism and bring out some creative thoughts (legal tablets are yellow for good reason!). Yellow can be quickly overpowering if over-used, but used sparingly in the just the right place it can be an effective tool in marketing to greater sales. Some shades of yellow are associated with cowardice; but the more golden shades with the promise of better times.
Psychology of Color:
The most flamboyant color on the planet! It's the color tied most this fun times, happy and energetic days, warmth and organic products. It is also associated with ambition. There is nothing even remotely calm associated with this color.
Psychology of Color: Purple
What color were the robes of kings and queens? Yes, they were purple, our most royal color that is associated with wealth, prosperity, rich sophistication. This color stimulates the brain activity used in problem solving. However, when overused in a common setting it is associated with putting on airs and being artificial/ Use purple most carefully to lend an air of mystery, wisdom, and respect. Young adolescent girls are most likely to select nearly all shades of purple as their favorite color.
Psychology of Color: Brown
This color is most associated with reliability, stability, and friendship. More are more likely to select this as their favorite color. It's the color of the earth itself "terra firma" and what could represent stability better. It too is associated with things being natural or organic. Caution however, for in
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Quotes yang ada kena mengena dengan EMOSI aku hari ni:
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Tiada jawapan
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Sunday, March 11, 2012
I'm still single
Aku ade beritahu pada corner partner aku yang aku nak jump tempat lain. He agreed with my decision and encourages me to do so. Tapi perangai aku ni lak, bila dah berada dalam comfort zone, sayang lak nak blah. Apa-apapun biarlah tunggu after aku dapat service award beberapa bln lagi. Dpt buah rantai aku dengar citer.. Boleh lah gantikan buah rantai kt leher aku yg dh berkarat ni. Hahaha wink wink
Citer bab kerja dah habis, sekarang masuk topic “menggatal”. Ape dah jadi dgn aku ni weyyy... Aku sekarang ni tah dari mana terpupuknye hobi menggatal. Rasa-rasanya dulu aku ni baik je. Pemalu, pengasih, penyayang ( cewas..).. Gatal-gatal aku pun takde lah buat benda2 tak elok. Aku menggatal kat on9 je.. Tak kuasa aku nak menggatal kt luar, bergesel2 mcm tuh. .. Kih kih kih, loyar gamaknya korang membaca.. Orang kata umur mcm aku ni, dah patutnya mengilik anak dgn laki ke hulu ke hilir, tapi tak. Abis, nak wat camne if jodoh aku datang lambat.?? If aku sukakan kat sape2 skalipun takkan aku nak suruh bapak aku masuk meminang lak? Takde korje, desperate bebenor bunyinye... so, biar la aku cemni dulu.
Bukan aku tak wat istikharah, tapi aku risau output yang keluar. Hari tu aku dah mimpi dah sekali. Tapi tak sure tu mimpi istikharah ke or mimpi setan. Sebab aku mimpi bertunang dgn lelaki berkulit hitam (bkn Negro), tak hensem, keje army. Dan aku tak suka lelaki tu ( dalam mimpi aku la), tapi parent aku lak suka sbb risau aku tak kawen2 ( dalam mimpi la). Aku rasa itu mainan tido. So, mimpi yg mcm tu, aku taknak amik pot. Mentang-mentang la mimpi tu tak best, taknak ambil pot ye. Hahaha wink wink..