Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Foxy Versus Halitosis

I have a story about 2 managers. In this story I will name them as Foxy and Halitosis. Foxy as far as I know is considering a man with hidden DarkVader. Only certain people will get to see that “dark side”.This is because he’s hiding very well with his gentleman appearance.  Wahahah, so cunning isn’t? People with this trait;

I have to extremely, tremendously, definitely, absolutely, certainly, enormously be careful and tactful. If not I’ll be trapped in the shitty situation. Huarghhh.

 The Halitosis manager is on the other part, I can say most or majority people who work in this organization feels dislike with him. But that also contribute to his weird personality. He is the person with blurred conversation always made people feel uncomfortable. I presume he got a Hashimoto Brain’s disease as the symptoms most likely close to that.

I am as the middle person for these managers. I listen to both naggings and bitching (should I feel bigheaded?).  How I’m supposed to do? To take which side one of them really incommodious? Occasionally I feel exhausting on how to put my face’s reaction. Should I just showing motionless expression?

Sometime I feel like I’m acting like an adjudicator. I listen to both stories. Both sides have good points as well. Foxy said Halitosis until now doesn’t achieve any target for his sales. Go here, go there, coming back to this office and end up nothing.  Yerp, I see that result and undeniable it’s true.

Halitosis on the other hand told me, that Foxy got a stinky heart that he wants to control everything. He being assigned to sell an expensive property values which is understandable we cannot get immediate buyer. I also agreed with that as well.

But honestly, openly, directly, frankly, essentially, actually,

I’m much more comfortable with Foxy rather than Halitasis. I don’t quite sure why but I can list down few of positive traits of him. And tell me back do you agree or not.
1.       Foxy is an optimist person. Every problem he tackles as an opportunity. While Halitosis always look at as a problem.
2.       Foxy is an organized person. Everything he does always in structure, keeping the latest update, always tidy. Not opening any rooms for management to question his doings. While Halitosis always come with excuse here and there. Not alert with changes, always asking the same question, not keeping the update and always do opening for him to be attacked. For example, caught snoring while having an assembly with the bosses. Isn’t too much?
3.       Foxy will not asking for other help if he can do it himself. Halitosis always request other people to do his favor even he can do it himself.
4.       Foxy use a gentleman’s tone when talking to a person if requesting a favor while Halitosis use his giant hoarse tone event just to ask for a small favor. FYI, I’m not deaf. So, literally he can lower down his voice. 

 Now, tell me. Which one is more convenient??? ^_^

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