Friday, October 22, 2010

Against the future

Huhu, another pain had been successfully endured. Mcm aq cakap dalam last blog update aq, “Bring it on”. So, aq dpt lagi. Masih lagi hidup aq dlm pencarian. Dlm pertengahan tu byk sungguh pasir2 yang melekat kat tapak kaki aq. Ada yang senang buang & ada yg jenis degil jugak. Cuma kuis pakai kaki je & ada kena tepuk2 sikit guna tangan. Walaupun aq tak tahu sampai bila, tpi perjalanan ini semakin mematangkan aq. Aq dah jumpa satu tagline yg sesuai utk segala kepahitan tuh, “Don’t let someone be your priority if you only an option in theirs”. Lau aq adalah subsititute or opportunity cost yang anytime can be eliminated by them then I guess that persons are not deserved to be my priority.

I believe that beyond of all this, there is someone who patiently waiting for me to find him. Cuma sbb aq jumpa terlalu ramai sampai aq tak cam dia bersembunyi di mana & paling penting yang mana satu orangnya. Relax, dear. Just hang on until I reach you babe. Definitely I’m going to find you. No matter what will happen & how long it may take. Bila dah jumpa one question aq nak tanya dia.. “Mana you sembunyi? Tpi so kay, finally I found you and I’m glad”. Waahh.. syoknye angan2 aq ni. Tah bila ayat tuh nk jadi kenyataan? Bhahahak..

Apa-apa pun aq cma ikut rentak. Follow the flow with live, feel & enjoy. So, besok2 bila aq dah ada kids, dengan bangganya aq bleh crita dgn my daughters especially tentang“How I met your father”. Really going to be an interesting life chapter of mine.

Tiba-tiba aq terfikir sesuatu. Ini boleh jadi wasiat for future ni. Mana lah tahu bila my kids dah teenagers & suddenly dia terbaca blog bonda dia. Dgr sini ye anak2ku sekalian tak kira lah berapa ramai korang nanti. My advice is, follow tagline kat atas tu. Your life is full with youth. So, jgn spoilt. Endure it & be happy. No matter how hard your life is, don’t forget to be happy (cool also).  P/S: Ur beloved mommy…. Hehehehe

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