Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Lucifer.. Lalalala

Semalam aku rasa happy sgt coz group research proposal yang aku wat dgn Azli dijadikan guide untuk group2 lain. Satu kepuasan yang tak terhingga coz aku wat menda tu 2 malam berturut-turut (wat sorang coz Azli ade function dgn family tunang dia, xpe bro, aku amat memahami...cewah )sampai waktu tidur yg amat aku hargai dan holiday kat rumah parents aku menjadi tidak berapa bermakna. Aku tak dapat nak tgk Astro dgn riang disebabkan mende tu juga.

Paling best, hasilnya wallawey. Puan Lecturer mula2 bg komen kata kitorang pasal theoretical framework yang aku draw arrow dia terbalik (ini 1st time antar kat dia nak kasi check flow sama ada menepati piawaian ke tak). Guess wat? Teruk gak kna kritik utk proposal pertama tuh. Additional lgi, group aku spatutnya 4 org, pastu tinggal 3 org, last skali sorg junior yg Azli jaki sgt sampai skrg blah bodoh masuk group lain, maka berdua lebih baik lah antara aku dgn Azli. Hahahaha..

Tpi kitorang tak kisah pun, sian gak kat group yang dak junior masuk tuh. Byk kena wat semula. Moral of the story, jgn derhaka kat senior, cium tgn len kali lau nk kuar dr group. Sediakan pulut kuning ke, wat official ceremony sikit.. Itu ibarat korang derhaka kat kakak ngn abg korang lah tuh.. Azli lak gelak cam setan jer. Tapi ape2 pun, conclusion aku nk ckp.. Memang TERBAEKK beb...Ngeeeehehehe

Balik je dr class semalam, baru aku mendapati bahawa semua hosmet aku yilek. (takde).. oh, aku duk sorang2 lah upenya.. Tacing kejap mood aku smlm mengenangkan di ambang kemerdekaan kna duk dlm bilik sorg2.. Waaa.. pastu tiba2 dgr bunyi letupan gunung berapi.. eh, silap bunga api yang mcm bedilan mortar, machine gun..Rupe2nya kat ICT S.Alam ade psang fireworks. Kuat maut bunyinya.. Aku tak dpt nk menyaksikan panorama yg indah itu krn kedudukan flat aku ni membelakangi ICT. Nak intai kut tingkap pun tak ley.. Flat depan ok lah, boleh nmpk.. Aku cma dpt dgr bunyik je. Masa tuh aku nak bg tau kat sorg member aku ni, betapa dktnya bunyi bunga api tuh dgn rumah sewa aku.. Berbulu je telinga dia, bila aku berlagak psl bunga api tuh.. Tapi tq la, sbb wat hati aku comfortable. Mmg kwn yg baikkkk,,.. Ngeehehe.

Pagi ni sahur, nyaris nak terlajak. Aku dh set kul 4.30am. Tpi, tah cmner ari ni xsedar kul 4.30. Aku terjaga 5suku. Dlm mamai2, aku ingtkn dh abis waktu. Bila otak dh centre blik, wei bru 5suku dowh, sempat sgt lah nak mkn. Aku panaskan tomyam & nasi. Pas makan iron baju jap coz ari ni lecturer aku sgt bermurah hati nak mengadakan kelas ganti pada hari public. Spoilt plan aku nak layan anime Naruto & Bleach. Dah la kwn aku bru je courier hardisk yg dia download dua2 citer tuh. Kna g class lak.. Tapi xpe, lps cls lau xde pape progress aku ley lah layan anime sampai lebam.. Tq.. mmg kawan yg baekkk...

Dah kul 6 dah, kna stop la.. Azan pun dah bunyi. Phm2 sudah.. ngeheheh..

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Tenebrous of My Compassion

Akhirnya slps sekian lama, kelopak mata bergenang juga. Aku bkn superman and aq juga bisa nangis. Sambil menaip air mata aku merembes keluar tak mau henti. Macm empangan pecah. Biarkan & aku tak peduli. Tanganku laju menaip apa2 yg terlintas di fikiranku. Betul, aku skrg dlm keadaan super duper stress and depression. Terasa seperti inginku baling segala dokumen yang ada di meja. Kenapa dengan aku hari ni? What da hell is happening inside me. Kenapa aku emo?. Perasaan bercampur aduk, bersilih ganti.

Tpi masih tak mampu nak hentikan tangisan nih. Diam-diam esak tangis kerana aku ego. Tak mahu sesiapa melihat kelemahanku di kala ini. Cuaca diluar pun nampak muram. Mentari pun seakan menyembunyikan diri. Tpi aku tak peduli dengan mentari ke cuaca ke. Lantak la nak salji sekalipun, ade aku kesah?

Kenapa nak judge aku on da first day jumpa? Sdgkan tak pernah kenali aku begitu dlm. Kenapa nak kecewa kalau aku tak pamerkan perasaan sebenar? Sdgkan dlm hati aku sibuk menimbang tara setiap perkara. Salah ke kalau aku ingin berhati-hati? Salah ke kalau aku tak mahu buat kesilapan lagi? Kenapa nak rasa kecewa dgn aku? Aku sepatutnya lagi kecewa kerana …. Arghh.. aku pun tak tahu nak cakap apa lagi. Semuanya bagai tak kena..! Aku asyik jumpa perkara yang salah je. Kenapa? Teruk sgt ke aku sampai kena repeat dapat hukuman macam ni. Pernah ke aku main-mainkan hati org? Salah ke kalau aku berterus terang tak suka. Sedangkan aku ada prinsip sendiri. Salah ke aku pertahankan prinsip yang aku rasa betul sebagai pedoman aku selama ni? Aku cuma nak keluar dari rasa sunyi hidup aku. Aku pun nak gembira mcm org lain. Tpi seringkali macam satu curse. One day aku happy and the next day aku sedih. Putaran roda aku cepat sangat circlenya.

Ataukah doa aku setiap kali lepas solat telah termakhbul? Doaku, “Temukan aq dgn dia (jodohku) dan kekalkan, jika bukan, hilangkan sekelip mata.” So, adakah ini resultnya? Hilang means bukan dia…!!

Jgn menilai aku terlalu cpt krn aku biasanya takkan pamerkan pada permulaan. Ia mengambil masa utk mengetahui apa yang aku fikirkan. Sbb aku akn mengkaji sampai hati aku puas..

Timeless Spell

Bangun pada pagi ni kepala aq rasa berat, mata masih lagi ngantuk. Nak je tarik selimut and sambung blik “kroih kroih” tapi cannot la. Keje syg, u need to wake up and struggle balik. Mood ari ni pun aku tak leh nak kata ceria ke tidak. Bercampur aduk. Penat, banyak benda nak pikir. Macam2 aku pikir, lau boleh post mortem or scan otak aku nih, bleh nampak betapa heavy nye traffic flow samp nak jammed. Semua minta perhatian utk difikirkan. Apa yang aku pikirkan? Tak boleh nak dinyatakan denga perkataan dah, macam2 ada. Antaranya, ari ni kena wat photocopy for submission, at the same time kena followed up old issue nape customer aku tak download lagi mistake dia ni. Otak aku dah semak tengok pending2 issue dat required attention to be solved. Belum lagi kira yang latest download memerlukan kecekapan yang tinggi utk disiapkan pada hari ni juga.. Dalam masa sama, otak aku sempat gak berfikir ape tajuk research proposal yang nak aku siapkan.

Dari tadi kelopak mata kanan aku asyik berkerdip2 la. Dari semalam lagi. Kenapa ye? Jap aku nak gain info. Ini yang aku jumpa:

Haram mengatakan sesuatu itu adalah alamat/petanda. Doa Rasulullah s.a.w: "Ya Allah, tidak adalah sebarang petanda, tetapi yang ada ialah pergantungan kepada-Mu, tiadalah yang baik selain kebaikan dari-Mu, dan tidak ada yang layak disembah melainkan-Mu." (Allahumma laa toira illa toiruka wa laa khaira illa khairuka wa laa ilaha ghairuka) (Ahmad 2/20, ibn as-sunni #292, al-ahadith as-sahihah #1065) Doa ini dibaca apabila kita terfikir bahawa sesuatu yg terjadi itu adalah alamat/petanda kepada sesuatu kebaikan/keburukan, terutamanya yg boleh mempengaruhi kita membuat sesuatu tindakan. Dengan doa ini kita menolak semua kepercayaan ini, dan hanya bergantung kepada Allah. Doa ini juga mengeluarkan kita daripada jatuh ke dalam syirik meletakkan kepercayaan kepada sesuatu petanda lebih daripada pengharapan kepada Allah.

Aku rasa ini jawapan yang paling bagus daripada fikir yang mengarut2. Dapat alamat elok la, tak elok la and bagai. Hoh, bila aku jumpa je info ni, mata kanan aku yang berkerdip2 dah stop.. Good la. Boleh aku concentrate kerja lak.

Hari ini ialah hari Khamis yang bertarikh 26/8/2010 dan aku menaip ni pada pukul 8.26am. Besok birthday WuQue (once to be my bestfriend). Apa khabar agaknya dia skrg? Bahgia ke tak dgn hubby nya tuh? Aku nak wish birthday dia, walopun kitorang ada issue yang tak solved agi. She just disappeared. “WuQue, Yuer pun tak sangka persahabatan kita selama 10thn boleh end up mcm ni. Tah ape lah konflik kita. Apa yang jadi duri dalam daging spjg persahabatan kita. Walopun sblm ni bkn kita tak pernah ade silly fight tpi to end up this long time friendship mcm tak worth it dgn apa yang kita lalui selama ni. WuQue, hope u always be happy wherever you are. Happy Birthday, dear friend”

Termenung aku seketika sambil berfikir (berfikir lagi). Hmm, guess no more to write about. Sbb jap agi aku nak siapkan kerja. Chow for a while.

Nornira's Numerology - Part 2 (Just for fun lagi)

Hi again Nornira,
Mastering numerology is like mastering any skill. The more you know about the tools you are working with - the more adept you are going to be at accomplishing the craft. In this case your tools are the numbers themselves and the craft is the extent of your personal ability to interpret the numbers. The more you know about what each number symbolizes the better able you will be at divination and personality analysis. You might be wondering why Blair and I have chosen to introduce you to the meanings of the numbers first before we introduce you to the reductive calculations used for the divining of such numbers as your personality number, your soul urge number or karmic number.

It is because when you get to more advanced calculations you will need to start learning by eye and intuition to come to conclusions about just how much of a number is dominant in a particular name. This is particularly true when it comes to defining more abstract numbers such as the Planes of Expression, Essence and Life Challenge numbers. In the case of the planes of expression, essence and life challenges calculations you will be asked to weigh out the dominance of a certain number against others. For instance you can be the most dominant number 1 personality in the world (as ones are famously very self-centered) but if your name is dominated by 9s your innate selfishness may be very much mitigated by a desire to sacrifice all for others.

This is because nines tend to follow a more humble or spiritual path in life. To help you get a handle on the key traits that are symbolized by each number here is a selection of 20 key words that describe each one.

The Number One: The Creative, Male, Dominant, Alpha, Leader, Ambition, Initiation, Individualism, Self, Arrogance, Aggression, Attainment, Happiness, Fulfillment, Glory, Fame, Birth, Fire, Unique, Omniscience

The Number Two: The Submissive, Female, Dualism, Cooperation, Consideration, Cooperation, Balance, Mediation, The Other, Love, Flexibility, Adaptability, Grace, Dance, Harmony, Devotion, Obedience, The Subconscious, Water, Soul Mate,

The Number Three: The Divided, Triangle, Multiples, The Holy Trinity, Faith, Hope and Charity, Expression, Speech, Wit, Society, Art, Culture, Sensuality, Sorrow, Immaturity, Passion, Air, Surprise, Spontaneity, Change, Sex

The Number Four: The Builder, Foundation, Stability, Patriarchy, Power, Progress, Earth, Justice, Ability, Manual Dexterity, Practical, Law, The Conscious Mind, Civilization, Traditional, Profit, Wisdom, Commerce, Health, Conviction

The Number Five: The Visionary, Expansion, Opportunity, The Matriarchy, Adventure, Imagination, Story-telling, Symbols, The Subconscious Mind, Individualism, Freedom, Healing, Miracle, Choices, Unconditional Love, Mercy, Kindness, Invention, Resourceful, The New Age, Assistant.

The Number Six: The Protector, Provider, Healer, Nurturing, Children, Empathy, Intuition, Sympathy, Quality, Sustenance, Love of Community, Unconditional love, Circulation, Economy, Agriculture, Charity, Balance, Grace, Evolution, Simplicity, Sorcery.

The Number Seven: The Analyst, Thinker, Science, Learning, Education, Study, The Written Word, Logic, Alchemy, Secrets, Myth, Religion, Ritual, Understanding, Knowledge, Isolation, Chastity, Dignity, The Collective Consciousness, Genius.

The Number Eight: The Manifesting, Wealth, Power, Riches, Status, Material, Pragmatism, The Ego, Provision, Aggregation, Dictatorship, Multiples, Business, Investment, Employment, Appearance, Customs, Skills, Exchange, Reality, World Transformation.

The Number Nine :The Humanitarian, Religious, Charitable, Philanthropic, Duty, Calling, Mission, Obligations, Hardship, The Higher Self, Spirit Guides, Mysticism, Faith, Angel on Earth, Faith in Mankind, Optimist, Suffering, Self-sacrifice, Karma, Enlightenment, Divine Wisdom.

The Number Eleven :The Master Teacher, Illumination, Enlightenment, Inspirational, Idealism, Intuitive, Psychic, Channeling, Poetry, Art, Symbols, Expression, Dreamer, Revolution, Drugs, Alternate Consciousness, Mysticism, Catalyst, Prisoner, Prophet.

The Number Twenty Two: The Master Builder, Dreams Made Manifest, Ancient Wisdom, Realization, Force of Nature, The Future, Evolution, Technology, Universal Love, God, Retribution, Redemption, Love, War, Leader, The Universe, Personal Power, Charisma, Service, The Divine Imagination.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Nornira’s Numerology (Just 4 fun je)

Hi there Nornira,
I hope you enjoyed the sample reading I sent you yesterday. I've been looking a little deeper at your numerology chart Nornira, and here is what I have found: I see you floating in a sea of endless time - great vistas and a feeling of lifetimes behind and ahead of you. I get the feeling of urgency with you Nornira, things that must be done, lessons that must be experienced. I sense the rhythm of life, the cycles we all experience.

From your Life Path in combination with your Soul Urge, I get the impression that you have a pleasant personality, and are generally liked by others. You can be easily hurt at times, and as a result are more careful with displaying your feelings than you used to be. Nornira, I sense that you are a very busy person who is always on the go. The more you have on your plate, the better. At times you wish you had less to do, but you would be totally lost if you woke up one morning and found nothing at all to do! This couldn't happen, of course, as every time you get a space you seem to fill it up very quickly. You'll be just as busy in late life as well ... in fact you won't get time to grow old, you'll just simply keep on growing! Having said that, it's not surprising you need a break after this past year. Let's face it - we all need a little breathing space now and again to re-charge our batteries. Remember to take time to smell the roses!

Nornira, you have had a few worries recently about money, but you know you have the power to solve them. While it's been a bit of a bumpy ride financially these past couple of years, the next 18 months or so will be a lot easier. Looking at your Personal Days and Personal Months, you should be pleased Nornira ... it shows that shortly you will receive some pleasant news. It is nothing momentous, but is sufficient to raise your sights and hopes. It is good news. I sense a period early on in your life - teenage years perhaps - when you felt misunderstood, as if you couldn't really get close to anyone, as it you are walking on the outside of life. These feelings very occasionally reoccur.

You are a very special person Nornira. The experiences you undergo are all for a very special purpose, one I'm sure you are not aware of yet. Nevertheless, you are progressing in exactly the right direction. Your timing is good and you are learning from every experience. I don't know if you believe in reincarnation, but I get the feeling that you are a highly evolved person, as if you have lived many times before. In time you will have much to offer the rest of us. Romantically, it has not always been easy, and your outlook on life has changed because of this. The future is much easier in this regard than in the past. Nornira, you have sometimes wondered if you have made the right decisions at times, and it looks as if you have. You work best when you make your own mind up on things, though it is useful to ask other people for advice before you make your own mind up.

I see some travel in your future, and several new horizons beckoning. Your progress in this world has not always been as fast as you would like, but I can see significant growth in the future. You tend to feel you have a lot of unused capacity, and that people don't always give you full credit for your abilities. I can see you happy and productive in your old age, surrounded by friends and family.

You are of above average intelligence, and will keep on learning all the way through life. Nornira, this is just the smallest glimpse of what numerology can show you about your past, your present, and your future. I have something truly exciting I'd like to share with you, where you can get a "sneak peak" into the surprising future that awaits you:

Mood Season of Mine, daily rotation

Dah agak lama aku tak update blog aku. Takde citer & kering idea. Plus aku busy lak lately nih. Keje kat ofis bertimbung tambh lagi lak dengan assg, lecturer dh start bg. Ari ni aku terpanggil untuk menceritakan ttg bbrp pnglmn dlm tempoh aku tak aktif.

Mood: Touching & Feeling

Aku sebenarnye depression. Rasa cam meaningless. Nape ye aku rasa cmni? Aku rasa cam aku kehilangan sesuatu. Apart of da case aku broke up ngn ex aku tuh, xde lah rasa sangat meaningless tpi lately ni aku rasa cam ati aku ni ada hole besar.. Aku nak denied ngan wat mcm2. Family aku, uncle aku had adviced suruh aku focus study until finish. But at first aku ingt boleh je pegang prinsip tuh.. tpi on the other hand aku terpikir.. Life is short. Skrg aku dah 26, next year im going to 27.. even its just a number but still its disturbing my mind. Takkan aku nak membiarkan aje hati aku ni kosong. Even if aku achieve higher position in my life skali pun, tetap I feel nothing. Coz with whom I wanna share my successful? Of course I stil got my family, but I want somebody else. Someone dat I can lend the shoulder. Still far from that.
Ok, part touching & feeling dah abes.. Dah lega? Dah luahkan semua? Feel much better? Now. Change the topic.

Mood: Smiley

Perkara yang happy berlaku kat aku dis lately.. OMG, mcm takde aje.. Lau ade pun a day b4 puasa my boss took us to have a lunch at Kenny Rogger’s. Katanye management giving approval to have lunch with staff. The best part is trademark aku yg slalu mitak belanja makan kat Kenny Roger’s tlh menjadi kenyataan dat day.. So , kesimpulannya kwn2 koliq aku happily ever after (huh, cam fairytale story lak.. Tak logic dowh)
Nak attach pic utk m’gambarkn keriangn rasenya cam malas. Biarlah aku citer je lah. Tak baik menitiskan air liur org, apetah lagi di buln Ramadan Al-Mubarak ni. Masa tu aku bagaikan heroin yg dtg menyelamtkan rakyat jelata bila di KR (singkatn je lah ye). Dorg tanye aku cmner nk order. Ceh, rasa cam celebrity lak time tuh. Aku dgn down to earth nye men”explen” mcm ni mcm ni, mcm tu mcm tu. Baru lah dorg phm.. Bkn dorg tu batak tpi rmai yg xpnh msuk mkn kt KR. Aku mula2 pun batak gak dulu. Tpi luckily my best friend Anne showed me how to order. Tq Anne. Luv u so. Masa tuh Anne treated for my birthday. Aku suka sgt ngn macaroni cheese. So, delicious. Sdap pd pndngn rasa lidah aku. Lidah korg aku tak tau lah cmner lak.

Mood: Hot & Spicy

Tiba2 lak lecturer tak berapa nak approve aq nye research proposal.. Submission due date on 30th Aug 2010. Tpi idea kering. OMG, lau suicide isn’t a crime dah lame aq lompat anak tangga. But its true, kpala utak aq ni rasenye cam tak brp nak centre dah. Tpi, jgn cpt mngalah. Ko sure leh wat kan.. Aja-aja fighting. Spt kate ur lecturer Prof XYZ (aq lupa la name dia lak, siot tol aq) “U r a tough girl” Mmg la prof, aq ni mmg tough tpi aq bkn lah superman, aq juga bisa nangis.. huhuhu.. Keje2 kat ofis ngn assignment same naik berlumba nk bg otak aq masuk ICU krn high utilization. Ape yg aq mau ialah percutian kt Genting Highland naik roller coaster & aq nak jerit sampai rabak anak tekak. Agk2 bley tak? Tpi, aq nak gi ngn sape? Ni yg nk sedih alik ni.. Its ok, fariha. Hang on until da end of next year.. after dat, ko akn merdeka.. Dat time boleh claim sumer percutian yg aq miss disbbkn oleh study. Aq nk gi Korea, Rome, Jepun, Mekah gak lau ade bujet lebih wat haji terus.. Puas hati.. hehehe

Mood Season of Mine, daily rotation

Dah agak lama aku tak update blog aku. Takde citer & kering idea. Plus aku busy lak lately nih. Keje kat ofis bertimbung tambh lagi lak dengan assg, lecturer dh start bg. Ari ni aku terpanggil untuk menceritakan ttg bbrp pnglmn dlm tempoh aku tak aktif.

Mood: Touching & Feeling

Aku sebenarnye depression. Rasa cam meaningless. Nape ye aku rasa cmni? Aku rasa cam aku kehilangan sesuatu. Apart of da case aku broke up ngn ex aku tuh, xde lah rasa sangat meaningless tpi lately ni aku rasa cam ati aku ni ada hole besar.. Aku nak denied ngan wat mcm2. Family aku, uncle aku had adviced suruh aku focus study until finish. But at first aku ingt boleh je pegang prinsip tuh.. tpi on the other hand aku terpikir.. Life is short. Skrg aku dah 26, next year im going to 27.. even its just a number but still its disturbing my mind. Takkan aku nak membiarkan aje hati aku ni kosong. Even if aku achieve higher position in my life skali pun, tetap I feel nothing. Coz with whom I wanna share my successful? Of course I stil got my family, but I want somebody else. Someone dat I can lend the shoulder. Still far from that.
Ok, part touching & feeling dah abes.. Dah lega? Dah luahkan semua? Feel much better? Now. Change the topic.

Mood: Smiley

Perkara yang happy berlaku kat aku dis lately.. OMG, mcm takde aje.. Lau ade pun a day b4 puasa my boss took us to have a lunch at Kenny Rogger’s. Katanye management giving approval to have lunch with staff. The best part is trademark aku yg slalu mitak belanja makan kat Kenny Roger’s tlh menjadi kenyataan dat day.. So , kesimpulannya kwn2 koliq aku happily ever after (huh, cam fairytale story lak.. Tak logic dowh)
Nak attach pic utk m’gambarkn keriangn rasenya cam malas. Biarlah aku citer je lah. Tak baik menitiskan air liur org, apetah lagi di buln Ramadan Al-Mubarak ni. Masa tu aku bagaikan heroin yg dtg menyelamtkan rakyat jelata bila di KR (singkatn je lah ye). Dorg tanye aku cmner nk order. Ceh, rasa cam celebrity lak time tuh. Aku dgn down to earth nye men”explen” mcm ni mcm ni, mcm tu mcm tu. Baru lah dorg phm.. Bkn dorg tu batak tpi rmai yg xpnh msuk mkn kt KR. Aku mula2 pun batak gak dulu. Tpi luckily my best friend Anne showed me how to order. Tq Anne. Luv u so. Masa tuh Anne treated for my birthday. Aku suka sgt ngn macaroni cheese. So, delicious. Sdap pd pndngn rasa lidah aku. Lidah korg aku tak tau lah cmner lak.

Mood: Hot & Spicy

Tiba2 lak lecturer tak berapa nak approve aq nye research proposal.. Submission due date on 30th Aug 2010. Tpi idea kering. OMG, lau suicide isn’t a crime dah lame aq lompat anak tangga. But its true, kpala utak aq ni rasenye cam tak brp nak centre dah. Tpi, jgn cpt mngalah. Ko sure leh wat kan.. Aja-aja fighting. Spt kate ur lecturer Prof XYZ (aq lupa la name dia lak, siot tol aq) “U r a tough girl” Mmg la prof, aq ni mmg tough tpi aq bkn lah superman, aq juga bisa nangis.. huhuhu.. Keje2 kat ofis ngn assignment same naik berlumba nk bg otak aq masuk ICU krn high utilization. Ape yg aq mau ialah percutian kt Genting Highland naik roller coaster & aq nak jerit sampai rabak anak tekak. Agk2 bley tak? Tpi, aq nak gi ngn sape? Ni yg nk sedih alik ni.. Its ok, fariha. Hang on until da end of next year.. after dat, ko akn merdeka.. Dat time boleh claim sumer percutian yg aq miss disbbkn oleh study. Aq nk gi Korea, Rome, Jepun, Mekah gak lau ade bujet lebih wat haji terus.. Puas hati.. hehehe

Mood Season of Mine, daily rotation

Dah agak lama aku tak update blog aku. Takde citer & kering idea. Plus aku busy lak lately nih. Keje kat ofis bertimbung tambh lagi lak dengan assg, lecturer dh start bg. Ari ni aku terpanggil untuk menceritakan ttg bbrp pnglmn dlm tempoh aku tak aktif.

Mood: Touching & Feeling

Aku sebenarnye depression. Rasa cam meaningless. Nape ye aku rasa cmni? Aku rasa cam aku kehilangan sesuatu. Apart of da case aku broke up ngn ex aku tuh, xde lah rasa sangat meaningless tpi lately ni aku rasa cam ati aku ni ada hole besar.. Aku nak denied ngan wat mcm2. Family aku, uncle aku had adviced suruh aku focus study until finish. But at first aku ingt boleh je pegang prinsip tuh.. tpi on the other hand aku terpikir.. Life is short. Skrg aku dah 26, next year im going to 27.. even its just a number but still its disturbing my mind. Takkan aku nak membiarkan aje hati aku ni kosong. Even if aku achieve higher position in my life skali pun, tetap I feel nothing. Coz with whom I wanna share my successful? Of course I stil got my family, but I want somebody else. Someone dat I can lend the shoulder. Still far from that.
Ok, part touching & feeling dah abes.. Dah lega? Dah luahkan semua? Feel much better? Now. Change the topic.

Mood: Smiley

Perkara yang happy berlaku kat aku dis lately.. OMG, mcm takde aje.. Lau ade pun a day b4 puasa my boss took us to have a lunch at Kenny Rogger’s. Katanye management giving approval to have lunch with staff. The best part is trademark aku yg slalu mitak belanja makan kat Kenny Roger’s tlh menjadi kenyataan dat day.. So , kesimpulannya kwn2 koliq aku happily ever after (huh, cam fairytale story lak.. Tak logic dowh)
Nak attach pic utk m’gambarkn keriangn rasenya cam malas. Biarlah aku citer je lah. Tak baik menitiskan air liur org, apetah lagi di buln Ramadan Al-Mubarak ni. Masa tu aku bagaikan heroin yg dtg menyelamtkan rakyat jelata bila di KR (singkatn je lah ye). Dorg tanye aku cmner nk order. Ceh, rasa cam celebrity lak time tuh. Aku dgn down to earth nye men”explen” mcm ni mcm ni, mcm tu mcm tu. Baru lah dorg phm.. Bkn dorg tu batak tpi rmai yg xpnh msuk mkn kt KR. Aku mula2 pun batak gak dulu. Tpi luckily my best friend Anne showed me how to order. Tq Anne. Luv u so. Masa tuh Anne treated for my birthday. Aku suka sgt ngn macaroni cheese. So, delicious. Sdap pd pndngn rasa lidah aku. Lidah korg aku tak tau lah cmner lak.

Mood: Hot & Spicy

Tiba2 lak lecturer tak berapa nak approve aq nye research proposal.. Submission due date on 30th Aug 2010. Tpi idea kering. OMG, lau suicide isn’t a crime dah lame aq lompat anak tangga. But its true, kpala utak aq ni rasenye cam tak brp nak centre dah. Tpi, jgn cpt mngalah. Ko sure leh wat kan.. Aja-aja fighting. Spt kate ur lecturer Prof XYZ (aq lupa la name dia lak, siot tol aq) “U r a tough girl” Mmg la prof, aq ni mmg tough tpi aq bkn lah superman, aq juga bisa nangis.. huhuhu.. Keje2 kat ofis ngn assignment same naik berlumba nk bg otak aq masuk ICU krn high utilization. Ape yg aq mau ialah percutian kt Genting Highland naik roller coaster & aq nak jerit sampai rabak anak tekak. Agk2 bley tak? Tpi, aq nak gi ngn sape? Ni yg nk sedih alik ni.. Its ok, fariha. Hang on until da end of next year.. after dat, ko akn merdeka.. Dat time boleh claim sumer percutian yg aq miss disbbkn oleh study. Aq nk gi Korea, Rome, Jepun, Mekah gak lau ade bujet lebih wat haji terus.. Puas hati.. hehehe