Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Melodrama of my heart

This time I will write my entry with melodrama mode. Actually for this couples of weeks are not a good week for me. I’m in trouble as my housemate and her younger sister was accusing me for stealing the purse, I mean her younger sister’s purse.  I don’t know how to begin this story. But firstly it’s happened with the hazelnut.

Let’s say I named her as Lily. Lily is Rose’s sister (my housemate) who always coming to our house and stay there when Rose was out for job’s travels. She’s a student who still pursuing for her Master. Instead of Rose & me, we have another housemate who named, Daisy. Daisy is a quiet person. She always spends most of her time in her room. I don't have a problem with that.

One day Lily, informed that her hazelnut (the left over from her previous baking) was gone missing. I said I didn’t take it plus as far as I remember even-though I also love baking or cooking I don’t take people’s belonging unless if I ask for permission. Plus, this incident was happened about 3 months ago, of course not many people can have this sharp of memory. Perhaps possibly maybe I’ve accidentally move the hazelnut to other container, but that part I don’t admit because like I’ve said it’s perhaps possibly or maybe. If I’m certainly remembered I’ve transfer the so called “beloved” hazelnut to other container which mixed up with other nuts or dry food, I’ll definitely apologize and buy a new one for her. But in this case, I’m also not sure because I feel that I don’t. A few days later, I came to know that she lost her purse inside the house. She claimed that impossible the purse went missing as she didn’t go out from a house. I asked her to be sure whether she might be misplaced. But she confirmed that she put the purse as at the usual place which is on the table in the LIVING ROOM.

My first thought is only an idiot will leave an important thing unattended or a phrase in a Malay, “biarkan bersepah and bila dah hilang menyusahkan orang”. At first place you should know, even in your own house without anybody there you cannot simply leave your things in a place where people can take it easily especially a thing like a purse / wallet. I thought this issue will settled however it’s getting worst because she referring to someone who is a shaman (bomoh of her hometown). The “so called a great shaman” who can predict this supernatural thingy. And guess what she said,”Really awesome”. The culprit is inside the house, and indirectly pointed to me. Together with the Hazelnut incident & missing purse, I was being accused for stealing. Hello??! & Excuse me!! I’m also DO NOT KNOW how your purse look like, in the end I’m the one who’s be the culprit? Why the reason not accused the other housemate – Daisy?, because she’s not taking it as she always being quiet. Ok, fair enough. She’s quiet and I’m also not doubting her. This is because none of us are the thief. Do you know why? All this while, before Lily came to our house, none of these stupid things happened. We left our important things in our own room, like purse, handbag with door open because of what? We trust each other. This is because the people’s who staying in this house are not a BAD PERSON including me, Daisy and Rose.

Last time Rose, her sister entrusted me to keep the house owner’s money.  She said she can’t trust herself but she knows I can keep the money. Do you have any idea how much is it? RM1000!!. Inside the purse she claimed got RM300 or RM200. See the different??! RM1000 vs RM200.The RM1000 was safe with me for more than a month? Do you think a regular thief behavior will not touch the money? Plus, I just withdrawn my cash from ASB almost RM1500, what’s on earth I want to take the money inside the purse??? Please la, next time if want to accused people, come out with solid or proof evident, like CCTV, photo snap, video  etc. Do not just come with this supernatural thingy. It’s not healthy. You pray and ask with Allah. Don’t accused people like this.  It’s really hurtful.

And now making it worst, Rose together joined the battle with her sister and attacked me with harsh word in her FB. Saying this and that, all are very extreme and insulting words. Do you know how it’s upset my feeling? Let me tell you something, if I’m a thief:

1)   This “thief” wouldn’t cook for extra home cook for the rest of the housemates even though the housemates don’t do the same. If I’m a thief why should I care about you??
2)   This “thief” wouldn’t allow you to use for almost of her belongings in the house. The oven that Lily use to bake her hazelnut brownies & cake are belong to this “thief”.
3)   The water filter that you’ve drank are belong to this “thief”.
4)   This “thief” wouldn’t throw your rubbish together with her own rubbish if they forgot to throw. The “thief” should be selfish right? Why she want to be kind?
5)   The dining table that most being put with your things / foods / 3 in 1 are belong to this “thief”. Even this "thief" couldn't put her own things. 
6)   This “thief” wouldn’t slow down the water flow inside her bathroom while taking shower if the other’s housemate is also using the other bathroom, considering that the low water pressure.Again, a thief should be self-centered. Do you know that? Of course, you don't.
7) This "thief" will use your food supply in the fridge since that you already used up all the space in the freezer to the extend this "thief" can't put her own stuff. But still your foods remains untouched. Do you know that? Of course, you don't.

So, currently don’t be mad if:
  1.      I pretend not to see you in the house. Because seeing and to forgive is really hard for now.
  2.      I  show my emotionless face. Because I don’t want to hate you.
  3.      I  don’t reply your insulting words in FB not because I’m feel guilty or scared, but I feels it’s pointless to explain for the people who’s got the blind heart. If you want to win, you take it. If you want the throphy, you have it.
  4.     I want to move my life with the people who really know who I am. If you failed to feel my trueself all this while, it’s such a lost for you. Sorry, nobody can help it.

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